Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tiny Windows

Wow, it has been awhile.

Between a new job, a Senior Thesis and the holidays - time has flown by. How are you all doing? Hopefully, now that the last major class is out of the way I will be around more often. At least that is the plan.

The good news is that even in the middle of all the craziness I have not missed a day of devotional reading in over three months now. How have things been going for those in the community? In what ways have you been interacting with God?

I think that through all of this there has been one important truth that I have been shown. It is important to have that fellowship every day, even if it is only 5-10 minutes reading a devotion on your phone. You may not notice it at the time, but when things slow down you realize the impact it has.

God understands how busy our lives can be at times.

Good thing He says that He looks at our hearts/intentions. Routine is good, I try to read my devotional in the morning. It doesn't always work out that way though. I think that is by design though.

We went through a bit of a stressful time at work. There were times where it seemed like I might crack. It was in those times I would notice I hadn't read my devotional for the day. I would take a break and engage in the message God had for me that day.

More often than not it was right on with what was currently happening.

If you think about it I bet you have experienced that as well.

As the song says, He is a good - good father.

Don't be afraid, or ashamed, of the tiny windows. Small or large, they all show what is on the inside. Hopefully, it is desire.

Has the year been stressful? I'm not going to tell you that the upcoming new year can magically be stress-free. What I am saying is there are things you can do to make stressful parts of life manageable. Look for your tiny windows.

#LvL Up

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