Sunday, August 27, 2017

Don't Miss out on Your Passion

We all have gifts or skills. Those gifts have a special place in our calling. As we have been reading our daily devotional this week I have really been thinking about what it teaches about gifts and how we often overlook the things that make us unique and special.

I know I have been guilty for a long time of expecting my gift to look a certain way. I have always been someone who has looked to creative outlets as a way to set myself apart. When I was young it began with drawing. That developed into graphic design work as I got to high school.

Once I went to college (the first time) I got into music. I learned the basics of guitar and bass guitar. I wrote and recorded songs, I would look to perform where I could.

The problem was that at best I was average at these endeavors. I always kind of expected that one of these things would take me somewhere in life, although I was never really sure where. What needs to be remembered is that God knows the plans He has for us. (Jeremiah 29:11) The problem is that we have been led to believe that we are only special if our gifts make us known among the world.

Our gifts make us special to our maker. He has provided them to us to fulfill His purpose. When I started writing I didn't do so to show it to people and have them pat me on the back. I started a blog that I never shared with anyone and just wrote to get the thoughts in my head out, even if it was just to cyberspace.

After a year of doing this I took a chance, a step out of the comfort zone, just to see what would happen. The result is where I am now. A few short months after my first legit publication, making my living writing. This creative outlet is providing for my family. Why? Because God is faithful and He has a plan.

I think when we take the time to really discover our gifts, no matter how small they may seem, we discover our passion. When we can be satisfied with that passion without anyone else knowing about it then God is happy to help us share it with the world. He knows when we are ready. He knows when we will be good stewards of the gifts He has given.

It changes everything when you can do something that you are passionate about. Why? Because God is passionate about us. So my challenge to you is this: If you are feeling like you are not special, or that you do not have anything to offer this world, set aside sometime to figure out what gift you have been blessed with. Don't ask anyone else what they think. Just try stuff, see what comes naturally.

Do this for an audience of One. You may be like me where you think you are good at something, but are hesitant to move forward with it. Continue to develop your skill. Over time there will be opportunities to move forward with that skill. It may be a step of faith, but the reward can be a passion that you have been missing. Let yourself be amazed at where God can take you when it is no longer you trying to drive the bus.

Gifts lead to Passion which leads to Calling...and we all have a calling! #LvLUp

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Problem With Oversimplifying

Some of the best advice we will ever hear is not to over-complicate things. To keep it simple. In most cases that is perfect. Learning a new skill, nurturing a relationship, even something like starting a website. All of these things and more can overwhelm us...can cause us unnecessary stress.

Typically breaking things down to their simplest form makes them manageable. It makes them easier to understand.

There is one thing that people try to simplify that no matter how basic, we will never wrap our heads around. That is Jesus. His instruction, His purpose for us can be understood by the lowliest of man. But Jesus the being that is something completely different.

I am not saying this to give you, or myself, a reason not pursue Him. There is so much about Him that we will never be able to understand in this life. Even so that is precisely why we seek Him harder.

When we try to simplify Christ we risk missing out on the most rewarding endeavor that we can embark on. As our relationship grows Jesus reveals more small details about Himself to us. Someday He will fully reveal Himself to us. Until then we should not try and rob the depth that sets Him apart from everything else in the universe.

Think about something that took you some time to understand. For example a difficult video game. Learning the details that would help you navigate the levels held your intrigue and kept you coming back. Once you completed the final level and the credits rolled you no longer had the same interest in it. In fact you may have never touched it again. Something that for a time was so important to you all of a sudden had no meaning.

That is what I have been thinking about lately in regards to a relationship with Christ. We may want to rush into knowing everything about Him. Instead we should give Him all of ourselves, He knows it all anyway. By doing so He can teach us about our lives and give us pieces of Himself that feeds our desire to know more.

Christ is complex, be okay with that, don't make Him something simple.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Don't Lose Focus

As I sit here preparing to begin a new career path starting tomorrow, I can't help but think about the last three months. Time moves quick and there are periods where it accelerates it's pace. That is what has happened since the end of May.

Three months ago I wasn't writing, expect for required assignments as I worked to finally finish my BA in History (which I will do next May). Now I am a Co-Editor for one website, Co-Founder of this site and as of tomorrow Copy Editor for another site/company.

All of this positive and yet God never stops teaching. 

Among all of this change, while it has been for the good, I was shown that my focus may be off. There is no doubt in my mind that all these blessings have come from developing my relationship with Jesus. LvL Up came to be out of a daily devotional study. It was more than just daily readings though.

Our group uses a chat app on our phones to talk not only about the devotionals, but life in general. It is a great way to keep Christ at the forefront of our daily walk.

I noticed that as all this change has been occurring, my involvement in those discussions has lessened.

I believe that God challenges us not only in the struggles, but in the blessings as well. Its as if He says "I know you can seek Me when things appear helpless, will you pursue Me on the mountaintop as well?" 

Do Not Lose Focus - You have heard the saying "Remember where you came from". That is what God is saying right now to me. Learn to grow, but don't leave behind the things that pushed you to be better.

"but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able." - 1 Corinthians 10:13

While we apply this to our times of hardship, I challenge us to use it when our yokes are light. Temptation still just takes on a different form.

The temptation is to forget what got us here. The feeling that we have it all figured out, or that we have graduated to a new stage in life, can deceive us. Yes we learn, but we never fully understand. We get to experience the reward of trusting Christ with those things we cannot control. Which just so happens to be everything.

Our purpose is for our lives to point to Him. Don't lose that focus. #LvL Up

Sunday, August 13, 2017

the Taelor Gray Series: Hillsong x Coldplay

"Like it's listening to Hillsong,
    like listening to Coldplay."
                                          - Solomon's Porch

I love music. I listen to a wide variety of it and I believe that it has a special place in the world. It can build up and it can tear down. It can inspire and it can lead people astray. 

I am not going to tell you what Mr. Gray meant by this line, but it is one that has stood out to me. I have pondered it for a while now. After a lot of thought this is what I take from it. Maybe someday I'll be able to know the meaning it has for it's author, if not that is fine.

The worship music genre has taken on a whole new role in the past decade. When we declare that we are worshiping a God that is solely worthy of such praise is that what we are always doing? To me there are so many examples of bands such as Hillsong, Crowder, and Chris Tomlin who Christians have placed in this realm of fame.

Let me make this clear, I am not attacking these artists. The question that I am working up to is a personal check, a challenge for whoever reads this. As long as these artists are following the will of God in their lives then that is all they need to do. The Church needs brought into a place of worship. So hopefully they are growing their relationship with Christ and listening to what He is telling them.

However, the worship genre has become a trend. It's the cool thing among the Body. Turning on the newest Hillsong record is no different than turning up some Coldplay. We are missing the point. It has become entertainment. There are times where we are too be entertained, but there are much more important times where this medium needs to fulfill it's purpose.

We need to sing the words and look to commune with our creator. We should be seeking His presence. It should not be about background music.

Maybe music is not has big of an aspect of your life. That's fine. We live in a world though where melody is all around us. It is not something we escape. I don't think that is random, but rather by design. A design by a creative God who loves each of us.

My challenge to you and myself: What are we trying to get out of the music that we interact with? Are we using it to praise our maker, or just looking to be entertained?

Think about that and let me know your conclusions. Is it all the same or is there deeper meaning, higher purpose?

I also challenge you to find that God is in all types of music. Taelor Gray for example creates God inspired hip hop. Rap often gets overlooked by the Church. This is not me trying to convert you to a style of music. I just want to point out that these artists share their relationship with Jesus just as much as David Crowder. They need the support of fellow believers. 

It is all ministry. It is all worship. Maybe it doesn't look the same, but done in a spirit of truth it is all pleasing to our Father. So go out this week and worship. Experience that special connection that is only found in these moments. 


When Taelor isn't honing his craft, he is spending time with his loving wife of 6 years and their son Levi. While rap is at the forefront of his life, Taelor still has time in his life for other interests such as, fashion, live jazz, Broadway musicals and theater performances, soul music, college football, NFL, and NBA basketball. Currently Taelor serves as one of the pastors at Veritas Community Church, ministering to a diverse community in Columbus Ohio.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Key Word: Balance

"these things I have spoken unto you,
        that in ME ye might have peace.
                In the world ye shall have tribulation:
   but be of GOOD cheer,
                                             John 16:33

On Sunday I wrote about the week I had experienced. I spoke about how rejoicing can quickly become boasting and how that is a fine line to walk. While speaking with Mike we began looking back beyond the past week.

Over the course of the last year it has been a whirlwind of experiences. The one thing I learned, and found out that Mike was experiencing the same, was that I was not reading the Word enough. While we both had good intentions and no opposition to doing so, it was just difficult to get into a routine with it.

Here is one thing I know: We were not the only ones.

That is where LvL Up started. Short, daily devotionals that made sure we interacted with scripture regularly. As we talked about different things that had happened over the past year we saw how much this small act impacted everything else.

Our lives are full of valleys and mountain tops. Maybe you prefer the roller coaster description. Regardless, the joy of the peaks is often off the charts, but the bottom of the dips can be unbearable. What has become clear is this:

When we have that relationship, or BALANCE, in our lives it becomes easier not to go zero to sixty from one end of the spectrum to the other. You may not believe me, but it is the truth.

In another of my posts I spoke of how I worry. I see the worst case scenario right away. Lately though, while the worry may still be there, it does not take over in the same way that it once did. The reason is that daily one of my very first thoughts is about my devotional reading. That reading and discussion with my brothers helps to strengthen that relationship that Jesus has desired, but I struggled to nurture.

If you find yourself rising and crashing like the tides and it all feels out of control...find your balance.

You will be surprised that it doesn't take as much as you may be telling yourself. God is not looking for us to be perfect. He has Jesus for that. He is simply asking that we are making the effort. He will bless that effort. If He didn't then we would not be here. I would not be in a place to write these words.

The world tells you that you are undeserving. It tries to prove that to you. There is one however who says you are His. When you are His the world may hate you, but there is nothing that it can do about it. Walk firmly in that. The highs and lows begin to even out. It makes the journey more enjoyable.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Key Word: Boast

    "But we will not BOAST of things
                             without our measure,
but according to the measure of the rule which GOD hath
             distributed to us,
       a measure to reach even unto YOU."
                                              2 Corinthians 10:13

Friends this has been a good week. Such a good week in fact that it would be very easy for me to boast about it. Let me attempt to share without boasting.

I was offered and have accepted a new job. I start in two weeks. It is more than just a job, it is an opportunity for a career. After close to two DECADES in the retail world I am moving on. I am ready. I am sure that my family is ready as well.

No longer will my schedule be inconsistent. I will be home by 5:30 during the week more often than not. I will be home on the weekends (with the occasional weekend event I need to cover). I'LL BE ABLE TO HELP COACH MY KIDS SPORTS TEAMS!

This is indeed a game changer for us. 

I am happy and I feel a weight lifted off of me. I want to rejoice and I should. Rejoicing can quickly turn to boasting. And boasting is a tricky thing.

Are we able to boast? The answer is yes. However, there is a correct way to do so. If we are boasting in our accomplishments, if we are taking the glory as if we did something, then we do so from a place of pride. In Psalms 73:6 it says "Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence coverth them as a garment." Pride leads us around bound in a chain. It makes us a slave. Man...

Boast and be proud when you are blessed, but do so boasting in the measure of God.

On top of the job opportunity, this community has now been up and running for two weeks. It has been great. It is something we should be proud of. Not because of what we have done, but because God has used it to His fulfill His purpose. 

As Paul said that God's measure allowed him to reach out to the Corinthians, LvL Up has been allowed to reach out to the ones who have viewed this site. THAT IS EXCITING!  I cannot wait to see and connect with the people this community will reach. 

I realized that majority of the content so far perhaps focused on struggle. While we cannot avoid struggle and it will always be present, there are also seasons of joy. We should celebrate them. We should cherish them. We should take them in as well as we can, for there are valleys along the way. But that is not to say that these moments cannot sustain us as we travel on.

Boast in the things that God has seen fit to bless you with. Let your joy reflect Him.  #LvLUp

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Don't Tell Me Jesus

There is a co-worker I have who has recently been going through some tough personal times. I understand the struggles he has been facing and was encouraged in the fact that he felt I was someone he could confide in.

As he opened up about what had been going on in his life I made a conscious effort to really listen. When he got finished he looked at me and said these words...

"What should I do? And don't tell me Jesus."

Here is where it was tough. For me I had been thinking a lot about the fact that I needed to put Jesus out there for my small part of the world. I need to make an impact. Here was what was adding up to be a real opportunity for that and just as quickly that window seemed to close.

Of course I didn't want him to see the sting of his statement so I simply replied "okay, but He is important."

Did I do the right thing? After time to reflect and a recent Piper devotional I believe I did. Here is why. What came next, while not using the word Jesus, was still a direct reflection of my beliefs.

I was able to give my employee advice that was rooted in faith. Offer him examples of my experiences and he appeared open to what I was saying. Here is what I learned.

I wanted opportunities to feel like I was doing something for Jesus, who is very real for me, but I was going about it wanting to feel like I accomplished something. That is not how it can work.

We are called to be disciples and spread the good word. We are to boast in nothing but Jesus. While I felt like I was shortchanging the situation from my point of view, what I learned was that just maybe the interaction was handled exactly the way it needed to be.

Here is a look at the devotional I spoke of:

"Only a few things have gripped me with greater joy than the truth that God loves to show his God-ness by working for me, and that his working for me is always before and under and in any working I do for him. At first it may sound arrogant of us, and belittling to God, to say that he works for us. But that’s only because of the connotation that I am an employer and God needs a job. That’s not the connotation when the Bible talks about God’s working for us. As in: “God works for those who wait for him” (Isaiah 64:4)."

There it is. He is simply looking for us to be open to situations where He can do His work.  Relationship issues, financial problems, careers it all is well within His capabilities if we are willing to take ourselves out of the recognition that comes from it. We are selfish and naturally want to feel accomplished. Considering the end game however go out and boast in He that will do the job better than anyone anyway.

Let Him Work!