Sunday, August 13, 2017

the Taelor Gray Series: Hillsong x Coldplay

"Like it's listening to Hillsong,
    like listening to Coldplay."
                                          - Solomon's Porch

I love music. I listen to a wide variety of it and I believe that it has a special place in the world. It can build up and it can tear down. It can inspire and it can lead people astray. 

I am not going to tell you what Mr. Gray meant by this line, but it is one that has stood out to me. I have pondered it for a while now. After a lot of thought this is what I take from it. Maybe someday I'll be able to know the meaning it has for it's author, if not that is fine.

The worship music genre has taken on a whole new role in the past decade. When we declare that we are worshiping a God that is solely worthy of such praise is that what we are always doing? To me there are so many examples of bands such as Hillsong, Crowder, and Chris Tomlin who Christians have placed in this realm of fame.

Let me make this clear, I am not attacking these artists. The question that I am working up to is a personal check, a challenge for whoever reads this. As long as these artists are following the will of God in their lives then that is all they need to do. The Church needs brought into a place of worship. So hopefully they are growing their relationship with Christ and listening to what He is telling them.

However, the worship genre has become a trend. It's the cool thing among the Body. Turning on the newest Hillsong record is no different than turning up some Coldplay. We are missing the point. It has become entertainment. There are times where we are too be entertained, but there are much more important times where this medium needs to fulfill it's purpose.

We need to sing the words and look to commune with our creator. We should be seeking His presence. It should not be about background music.

Maybe music is not has big of an aspect of your life. That's fine. We live in a world though where melody is all around us. It is not something we escape. I don't think that is random, but rather by design. A design by a creative God who loves each of us.

My challenge to you and myself: What are we trying to get out of the music that we interact with? Are we using it to praise our maker, or just looking to be entertained?

Think about that and let me know your conclusions. Is it all the same or is there deeper meaning, higher purpose?

I also challenge you to find that God is in all types of music. Taelor Gray for example creates God inspired hip hop. Rap often gets overlooked by the Church. This is not me trying to convert you to a style of music. I just want to point out that these artists share their relationship with Jesus just as much as David Crowder. They need the support of fellow believers. 

It is all ministry. It is all worship. Maybe it doesn't look the same, but done in a spirit of truth it is all pleasing to our Father. So go out this week and worship. Experience that special connection that is only found in these moments. 


When Taelor isn't honing his craft, he is spending time with his loving wife of 6 years and their son Levi. While rap is at the forefront of his life, Taelor still has time in his life for other interests such as, fashion, live jazz, Broadway musicals and theater performances, soul music, college football, NFL, and NBA basketball. Currently Taelor serves as one of the pastors at Veritas Community Church, ministering to a diverse community in Columbus Ohio.

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