Sunday, August 27, 2017

Don't Miss out on Your Passion

We all have gifts or skills. Those gifts have a special place in our calling. As we have been reading our daily devotional this week I have really been thinking about what it teaches about gifts and how we often overlook the things that make us unique and special.

I know I have been guilty for a long time of expecting my gift to look a certain way. I have always been someone who has looked to creative outlets as a way to set myself apart. When I was young it began with drawing. That developed into graphic design work as I got to high school.

Once I went to college (the first time) I got into music. I learned the basics of guitar and bass guitar. I wrote and recorded songs, I would look to perform where I could.

The problem was that at best I was average at these endeavors. I always kind of expected that one of these things would take me somewhere in life, although I was never really sure where. What needs to be remembered is that God knows the plans He has for us. (Jeremiah 29:11) The problem is that we have been led to believe that we are only special if our gifts make us known among the world.

Our gifts make us special to our maker. He has provided them to us to fulfill His purpose. When I started writing I didn't do so to show it to people and have them pat me on the back. I started a blog that I never shared with anyone and just wrote to get the thoughts in my head out, even if it was just to cyberspace.

After a year of doing this I took a chance, a step out of the comfort zone, just to see what would happen. The result is where I am now. A few short months after my first legit publication, making my living writing. This creative outlet is providing for my family. Why? Because God is faithful and He has a plan.

I think when we take the time to really discover our gifts, no matter how small they may seem, we discover our passion. When we can be satisfied with that passion without anyone else knowing about it then God is happy to help us share it with the world. He knows when we are ready. He knows when we will be good stewards of the gifts He has given.

It changes everything when you can do something that you are passionate about. Why? Because God is passionate about us. So my challenge to you is this: If you are feeling like you are not special, or that you do not have anything to offer this world, set aside sometime to figure out what gift you have been blessed with. Don't ask anyone else what they think. Just try stuff, see what comes naturally.

Do this for an audience of One. You may be like me where you think you are good at something, but are hesitant to move forward with it. Continue to develop your skill. Over time there will be opportunities to move forward with that skill. It may be a step of faith, but the reward can be a passion that you have been missing. Let yourself be amazed at where God can take you when it is no longer you trying to drive the bus.

Gifts lead to Passion which leads to Calling...and we all have a calling! #LvLUp

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